Digitraffic is pioneering the transition towards connected and automated mobility by delivering cutting-edge V2X connectivity software.
Enhanced connectivity significantly boosts the digital traffic perception within the road system fostering a sustainable, safe and efficient traffic environment.
Digital traffic perception
This is Digitraffic
We connect vehicles, road infrastrucuture and smart cities to enable the connected and cooperative road transport system
Connectivity in realtime between all road users, road equipment and road authorities can create an enhanced collaborative digital perception of the current traffic situation. The digital traffic perception can be used to boosts quality in decissionmaking by any entitiy in the system wether it´s based on AI or a human thinking, fostering a safe and efficient traffic environment.
Our product
Link V2X
Software development toolkit for Java and .NET
Link V2X makes it easy to develop and deploy vehicle-to-everything (V2X) solutions that enhance safety, efficiency, and automation.
Built on open industry standards, Link V2X ensures your services are fully compatible with the growing V2X ecosystem—enabling real-time traffic updates, hazard warnings, and seamless coordination between vehicles, road infrastructure, and smart city systems.

We are Digitraffic
We are a Swedish mobility tech company situated in the North of Sweden, dedicated to disrupt the Intelligent transport system sector.
We are firm believers that connectivity, based on open standards, cultivates fresh business prospects and enhanced services, nurturing a more competitive market and superior products fostering sustainable, safe and efficient mobility solutions.
We deliver high quality inhouse manufactured connectivity software to road authorities, vehicle manufacturers and services providers to lower the threashold for each actor to engage in the connected and automated mobility ecosystem.